Does McCain want "creationism" taught in the public schools?


JOE E: If you want to call the question dumb, at least explain why you think so. It's an important issue for me, because it involves separation of church and state.

In the past, McCain said that creationism "probably" should not be taught in science class. More recently, he said that "all points of view" should be represented. But both statements are a bit vague. So I wondered if anybody has heard a definite "yes" or "no" from him.

Update 3:

"McCain told the Star that, like Bush, he believes "all points of view" should be available to students studying the origins of mankind."

Update 5:

HEARTINT: Thanks for your response. I believe you're right, that he favors leaving many such decisions up to the school districts. And I recognize he's not running for school board. However, the president does influence church/school separation issues, particularly in his appointment of judges.

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