Could my son have swine flu or another virus. Advice please?

I'm really confused. He's 19 months old and he started out being drowsy and having a chesty cough. He also refused food. The following day he was out of it. He didn't want to do anything but sit and cuddle or sleep. He had a high fever consistently over 30C and medicine struggled to bring it down. He was also vomiting. Two days on and although the fever seems to have settled, his cough is as bad a ever, he's still not eating and he's still very drowsy and only wanting to cuddle or sleep. I'm concerned because I'm struggling to get him to take his medicine and drink enough. He had the same nappy on all night and it was hardly damp by morning when usually it's full to bursting. I tried to give him some fruit and fruit juice last night which he gave a go but vomited afterwards. He has had a little milk this morning.

All the advice at the moment about flu is confusing. Its defiantly more than a cold. I've had the seasonal flu vaccine and have only had very mild symptoms since he's been ill. Just a head ache and mild sore throat. My partner hasn't be vaccinated or come down with anything yet.

From my experience of having flu, it usually comes on very quickly which it didn't in my sons case which is what is really confusing me. Also if it were swine flu I'd have thought I'd have it by now and if it were seasonal flu my partner should have got it?

What could it be? What should I do?

Forgot to mention he has a rash this morning too which looks like heat rash on his legs.


He also saw a doc on the day he had the very high fever who said it was just a virus and not to worry but he doesn't seem to be improving and that was monday night.

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