Chronic skin rash HELP!?

I have had a chronic rash on my upper abdomen that has recently started to creep further up my body and around my breasts. It is similiar to pimples and and the marks vary in size. Most will pop when applying pressure to both sides of the mark, but instead of scabbing scaring and basically going away, they will remain there for weeks or even months and can be popped mulitple times as if a routine.

I have basically tried everthing over the past 5 years.

I have tried leaving it alone for months at a time, changing laundry detergent, changed soaps, avoided wearing bra's or tight fitting clothing, bought enough new tops to avoid wearing any of my familier clothes for weeks, tanning, head and shoulders shampoo, deoderant applied to the area.... I'm pretty sure if you name it, I've tried it!

I have been to a dermatologist before but the only one around my town is not very good at his practice. Each time I am in my family's doctors office I mention the rash, just to see if there has been any insight. No one seems to really have a very good idea of what it could be other than acne which I just know could not be. I have never had acne problems either on my face or back, only occasionally waking up with a small pimple on my face. I do not think the people I have seen about the issue have taken it very seriously because it is clearly not contagious or life threatening, it is purely just an issue of apperance (but I would like to mention that I do not feel myself to be a vain person, but it really is unattractive and having dealt with it for 5 years, it has become a little embaressing)

Doctors have suggested that I wash my body more, but I shower every day, maybe occasionally skipping a day inbetween, so I sincerely do not think it is an issue of hygiene.

Any suggestions as to a diagnosis of the "rash" would be so greatly appreciated. Any helpful tips you can think of for maintaining it, is not quite what I am looking for, but i would be very happy to entertain the ideas!

Thank you very much!

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