May 2021 10 13 Report

Can a marriage work living with the parents?

My fiance and I would love to start living together (we do not want a wedding, just a little trip to the courthouse).

However I have a problem that is slowing down my decision to jump into this new part of the relationship. I have been splitting all the bills with my parents who are on a fixed income. I do not think there is anyway they can comfortably afford even our tiny home if I leave. It breaks my heart to think of them doing without AC or all the good healthy food I put on the table.

I want my own life and family with the one I love though, I just wish I could do it without neglecting my elderly parents. Is it possible to have a wonderful relationship if we were to get a bigger house and let the parents have some part of it?

I have many siblings who are mad at me for even falling in love, and for even wanting more out of my life with him. I do not understand why they can be mad - they do not help my parents out AT ALL. But I DO care.


Thank you everyone for all the insight! It is definitely helping to organize my thoughts: I have discussed it with my fiance before and he completely understands the situation and says it would be the right thing to do - but the right thing and the best thing aren't always the same thing, if you know what I mean.

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