Bush appoints a new ambassador and the Democrats won't like it.?

It seems the same thing that happened witn Bolton has happened again. Congress left town and Bush made an appointment. And the Democrats won't like it.

It's the Democrats own fault. IF they had stayed in town and done their job the President couldn't have done what he did. But will the Democrats take the blame? No they will whine and cry about how it was all wrong. But hey the rule says if Congress is not in cession the President can appoint WITHOUT Congressional approval.

In truth it's not wrong, unfair, illegal, immoral, or fattening. It's the same thing with the AG firing US attorneys. You may not like it-- but it wasn't against the rules.

YOU don't like being able to just say you are fired and they are gone. Deal with it and live with it or get the rules changed. Don't gripe when someone does something according to the rules.

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