1998 Honda Accord LX making a knocking/clunking sound when turning left?

Earlier today after I picked up my brother, I stopped at an intersection and proceeded to turn left when green etc etc etc and I noticed when I turned left it made an odd knocking/clunking sound when turning. I felt it on the gas pedal so I'm guessing the floor? I also seem to remember hitting a significantly sized pot hole on accident which sounded pretty big when I hit it. However, when I drove to my grandma's house after picking up my brother, I haven't heard it again since I started to drive extra carefully and avoiding pot holes. Can someone help me? I'm 18 and I know little to nothing about car repair.

I've already went through countless internet threads about the problem and I've narrowed it down to three possibilities: CV Joints, Axles, and/or bushings? What are indicators of these things by just looking at the tires? Just what can I do? If I take it to a shop, how much should I expect paying? Please help. Very nervous and uneasy about the situation.


By gas pedal/floor, I meant the front portion of the car.

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